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a simple way to bring self care into every day
and every moment

Think about what it would be like to make time for yourself everyday. To feel empowered in your body, mind, and heart. To give yourself guilt-free permission to take care of yourself on a daily basis and develop healthy habits that really serve you. 

This is what true self care is all about. It’s more than just a good idea or something nice to do for yourself every once in a while. It’s one of the most important things you can do, and it's much simpler than you think. 

The Simple Self Care course is here to teach you simple, yet effective ways to bring self care into your everyday life. It’s a compliment to your healing journey.

It's a starting point to feel at home within yourself and in all of your surroundings. It will give you tangle tools to turn the idea of self care into a daily act of love for yourself and those around you. 

Read on to start your self care practice today. 


This the perfect course for you if:

  • You are maxed out and searching for tangible tools to help you slow down and recharge.

  • You are craving a deeper connection with yourself, but are stuggling to tune in.
  • You like the idea of self care and self love, but you don't know how to change it from an idea to an act. 
  • You want permission to think about you for once. 

This course might not be for you if:

  • You are looking for a quick fix to resolve pain and stress.
  • You want someone else to do all of the healing work for you.
  • You don't believe simple priniciples can have a profound healing affect. 
  • You aren't willing to get creative in creating change. 
-- you can't pour from an empty cup --

the story of simple self care

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As with all ailments, full healing comes from many different sources. Randi Kay has had the pleasure of assisting with chronic pain aspect of healing for over a decade, serving as a Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher. 

In recent years, Randi started to notice quite the disconnect between what happened during her sessions with clients and how they lived the rest of their lives. They didn't know how to bring the healing home with them and work on changing what caused the pain in the first place. 

Randi has cultivated her own home self care practice over the years to help heal her own issues of mental health and physical pain. Since she was able to help herself, she figured it could help others and started sharing her practices with her clients. 

This led to group workshops,  one-on-one self care mentorships, the  weekly Self Care Sunday blog, and now this course. Simple Self Care combines years of training, experience, trial and error, and pure curiousity to assist you in making self care an empowered act within yourself. 

You can learn more about Randi and her offerings at

simple self care breakdown

self-guided chapters // follow along instructional videos // downloadable audio meditations // journaling prompts // lifetime access (new material frequently added)


chapter one: what is self care?
Before a practice can even begin, it's important to know exactly what is meant by 'self care' and what it all can entail. This chapter not only defines 'self care,' but also gives you ideas and examples of what it can look like for you.

chapter two: tune in
With all of the noise cluttering our lives, it's gotten harder and harder to be able to tune in to ourselves and what we are really needing. This chapter talks about different ways to tune in and why it's important.

chapter three: hold ups
You probably have the best reasons why you haven't been able to have a self care practice- no time, no resources, no space, etc. In this chapter we dig into the common hold ups and how to work through them.

chapter four: creating space
While it's tempting to want to have the "perfect" space for your self care practice, the truth is that it can be done anywhere at anytime. In this chapter you will learn some ways to transform wherever you are into a place that can send you off into self care land.

chapter five: breath work
Breathing therapeutically is one of the best things you can do for your overall well-being. In this chapter, we will expound upon the benefits of breath, talk about what a therapeutic breath really is, and go through some wonderful breathing and meditation exercises to use in your everyday life. 

chapter six: journaling
Journaling is a powerful way to tune in to yourself, recieve insights, and process emotions. In this chapter, we will explore different journaling methods, as well as talk about how you can benefit from this practice. 

chapter seven: physical practice
A physical practice isn't just going to the gym or working up a sweat. It's moving your body therapeutically throughout your day. In this final chapter, we will touch on why your body needs to move regularly, and you'll be shown some ways to make movement an important therapy. 

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begin your self care journey today

course only

  • instant, lifetime access to Simple Self Care 

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course + personal mentorship

  • instant, lifetime access to Simple Self Care 
  • an  hour phone call with Randi to help enhance your self care experience and get personal guidance on how to incorporate it into your life
  • personal email follow up a week after the phone call

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